Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Less than 24 HOURS y'all!

I AM LEAVING IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS! Between my nerves and excitement, I cannot wait to get on this plane and head out to the land of tapas and flamenco dancing!
So I am sitting outside my last class of the day, and I have been going through the mental checklist of everything that I could possibly forget to take…and I hope I am remembering everything!!!  I have just about finished packing…once I get back to my room after my classes today, I will unpack my school stuff from my book bag and repack it ready to conquer the Spanish-speaking world!  
         Last night, I did the bulk of my packing and, with the help of Bryan, got it almost all done! Too bad he doesn’t fit in my checked suitcase…(he is a tad over the 50 lbs limit!)

I also went by Wells Fargo on Hillsborough and got some money exchanged into Euros, so I don’t have to stress about finding an ATM or exchange booths once we land from our 10-hour flight!
         Mom, Daddy, Gram, and Ryan are coming up to visit tonight and to see me before we peace out! We also will head up to Durham to eat dinner with Kelly so she can see muah and it just so happens to be Gram’s birthday on Saturday, so we will be doing an early celebration for her as well!
         So tomorrow morning all 36 of us will meet at Sullivan around 10 am, where we will pack into vans that will take us to the airport! From there, we will fly down to Miami for some warm weather (from the windows of the airport) and then jump on a plane headed to Madrid’s airport where we will land around 8:40am and hit the ground running! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience another country while being a college student, and I cannot WAIT!
         Please pray for safe travels (with no extra layovers, I wanna experience as much of that world as I can!) and His peaceful presence while we venture across the Atlantic.

Be on the lookout for more posts throughout the next week!!!!!

Adios Amigos,

Katie Kimble


  1. AHHH so happy for you guys going!!!! I can't wait to look at all of your pictures and talk about our similar experiences!!!!

  2. By my time it is time your time that you should be on the van or at least getting on and almost ready to set out for the airport. How many squeals of delight do I hear?

  3. Have a great time and my thoughts and heart are with you. Be careful and remember all my warnings. Love you more. Don't forget the man you are supposed to bring me.
