Monday, March 10, 2014

Flamenco and Sangria!

FLAMENCO DANCING! Yeah, we went, we saw, we experienced, we loved it all. At a local Flamenco club, Las Tablas, we were able to watch the amazing dancers perform for us.

I also experienced my first alcoholic beverage. Ever. Yeah, I know, “you are in college and have never drank?” Take it as a surprise, but I never felt the need to. Eventually (way way way in the future) I don’t want my kids to feel pressured or to think you have to drink to be cool, because that’s the farthest thing from the truth. But since I’m in Espaina and I have been trying all these new foods, and since Im over 18 (the legal drinking age for Europe), I decided I would try the famous Sangria that is talked about everywhere. So its apparently red wine with a mixture of fruit juices and chunks of fruit in it, which sounds delicious (at least the fruit part), and it wasn’t bad. The drink wasn’t too strong and it was a super small glass, so I finished it. I just wanted to be able to say I tried something COMPLETELY outside of my comfort zone and that I had my first alcoholic beverage legally and in a completely different country! It was an experience!

Now, back to the Flamenco. It was amazing.  The dancers wear these dancing shoes with extremely thick black heels—even the guys. The band consisted of one man on a guitar and another man singing, but if a dancer wasn’t dancing (and sometimes while dancing) they were clapping to the beat to add to the music’s depth. There were 3 dancers—one man, two women. At times, all three dancers were up and about, while other times each one had a solo. Listening to the Spanish music and watching these artists dance and stomp and move to the music was absolutely amazing. I took a short video of one of the women dancing so you can hear the music and see the style. We watched them dance for about an hour, and by the end all the artists were soaked in sweat, but the left us with chills. It was astounding. So if you ever make it to Spain, Sangria and Flamenco are the things to do—especially the Flamenco dancing!!!! Olay!

Adios Amigos!
Katie Kimble

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