Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day Dos en Barcelona!

Hey guys! So today was great, but it also had a few bumps in the road! We got up this morning around 8am to get ready and go to breakfast at 8:30 because we were supposed to be ready to go at 9am. Some people didn't even show up to breakfast before 9 so we were already an hour behind schedule! 

All was well, and we headed off to the The Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, which looked more like a palace than anything! The stairs. Oh my gosh. there were so many. It was crazy!!!! Walking up to that wall of stairs, I felt like David facing Goliath. Yeah, except that stone would not shoot me up to the top. My worries lessened when we got closer and noticed that for the first two sets of stairs, there were escalators, so it eased my knees a little! Just check out the pictures. The museum's building was so beautiful, even if the collection was a little boring. They had a great collection of baby Jesus and the virgin Mary paintings, but eventually they all blur together. 

 The bull arena. Since 2012, it has been illegal to bull fight in Barcelona! They are the first and only city to ban this sport. 
 yeah, it looks like a palace right?

 Our group of cool kids! Everyone except Chester and Ken.
 Katie Kimble, Ali Rose, Katie Stephenson

 Of course I had to fit my toms in at least one photo! Kelly would have it no other way! They have been the best shoes in Barcelona (and Madrid too!) and people have even asked if I bought them this way…nope. My mom is just awesome. 

 I'm telling you, these Barcelona pidgins have no fear. They were practically in my lap! 
 and in their hands..!! 

 After getting done with the art museum, I noticed this man over in the corner painting, and he was selling his acrylic paintings! Yeah, so, of course I didn't pass by. 
 Instead I made a purchase and got a picture, what more could you ask?

After the Palace/ Art Museum, we went for a hike to find a cable car to take us over Barcelona for some good pictures. It cost about 9 euros, which, looking back was way overpriced. If you climb up to where you start the ride, you can get just as good of pictures FOR FREE. (keep that in mind all you future Barcelona travelers: Madrid Cable Car= YES Barcelona=NO)

 The cable car was packed so tight that I couldn't get pictures out the back window…but Brooks and Chelsea could! Thanks gals. Great one! 

Once we landed, we had free time for awhile, so our group of gals walked around the side streets and peeked into the little stores! 
 While walking along the beach, I noticed these men carving statues out of the sand. After taking this picture I ran off, because I was scared he was going to ask me for a Euro for taking his picture…and I'm too poor. 

For Lunch, we ate at a small outdoor restaurant "El Rey de La Gambla", where I got the BEST rice and chicken meal ever. It doesn't look as good in the picture, but the sauce that this was cooked in was amazing!!!!! 

After eating, we headed off to meet with the rest of our group in front of "La Sagrada Familia", Goudi's church that has been in progress since the late 1800s, and it is estimated to be done by 2026 (but I don't see that happening). The further building of this church is funded by the tour groups-no funding from the Vatican or from Spain's federal government. Its all from personal donations and tourists visits that this great monument is being created. Currently there are only four towers completed, but eventually there will be 18 (1 for each of the 12 disciples, Mary, Jesus, and the final 4 for evangelists). The four that are done are for four of the disciples. The tallest one will be for Jesus, in the middle and it will eventually make La Sagrada Familia the tallest church cathedral in the world--but for now, it is just a breathe-taking work in progress.

 Here is the front of the cathedral- it represents Christ's childhood and birth. 

 The shepherds  
 Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus (in the middle)
 Mary on donkey with baby Jesus

 Jesus at the young age where he was a carpenter

Now inside was just as gorgeous. Like seriously. the columns in the center eventually sprout out to look like limbs of a tree that hold the ceiling above. The stain glass windows let in the perfect amount of light and keep the place well lit. I've lost all words. just admire my pictures. 

 told you. 
 alter piece that hangs directly in the center of the church. Right underneath is the (you guessed it) alter! 

 Here you can see the columns branching out into limbs of a tree! 

 This may just have to become my cover photo on FB. Forever. 

Now the back side of the cathedral represents the betrayal and crucifixion of Christ. 
 Here we see Judas giving Jesus the kiss of death. 
 In the middle is the crucifixion, on two large iron beams. Slightly below you can see Jesus carrying his cross to Calvary. 

 Although its hard to see here, Christ is laying on the ground, while someone else picks up the cross and finishes carrying it to the hill. Three women are mourning for Christ during this time. All of these statues seem more modern and cubist (like Picasso's style) while the front is more traditional.

Fun Fact: Goudi only lived to see the first tower built. One year later, he died by being hit by a car right outside La Sagrada Familia. Thank goodness Goudi had finished the plans for the church, so the architects now are finishing Goudi's project from his own plans!

 Below in the small museum section, there were people working on a smaller version of the final church. It was super detailed and cool to see them in progress with a giant display! 

 After seeing La Sagrada Familia, we had to stop by an ATM and get some more money. Chelsea entered her card first, and the ATM ATE IT! It was horrible. So for the next hour we were sitting outside this ATM trying to get not the phone with State Employees Credit Union! In the end, she canceled her card, but all is good now. We will survive!

For dinner a little later, we went to McDonalds and I got my french fry fix in! Yeah I know, not Spanish at all. Barcelona and Madrid are expensive places to eat, because all the side restaurants are super nice and expensive. We also were saving money for later than night…!!

 Yeah, that is a beer. From McDonalds. I was just as surprised as you were, but I had to get a picture with it! (and no, this was not mine. I promise.) 

After a quick dinner, we headed to the world renown ICEBARCELONA club that is located right on the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea! The club is known for having an indoor bar that is all made of ice! From the bar, to the couch, all the way to the glasses that they serve drinks from, everything is ice! The room is monitored at a consistent -14 degrees Celsius, and they give you parkas and gloves to wear while inside, but it was THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE YET!!!! Like for real, who can say they have gotten to experience an ICE BAR!?!?! well, i can now say I did! (knocking that one off my bucket list!)

 Once inside, the bartender served mixed drinks, or just different types of juices! 
 our bartender for the night! 

 He really was the coolest guy ever! 
 the group! 
 Oh, and an ice sculpture of La Sagrada Familia. Nothing big. JUST KIDDING. IT WAS AWESOME

Well guys! It has been a day full of walking, photo-taking and eating, but now its bedtime. I have got to work out a better time to write these than at 2am. Sleepy, yet still excited for another day! 

Adios Amigos!
Katie Kimble

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