Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day full of RDU and a night full of LaGuardia

Hey guys!

So I have about had it with American Airlines. I am STILL in RDU. Yes. 5 hours later, still here. I am, however, going to get on a plane at 8:27 and head out to LaGuardia for the night in New York—a night in terminal chairs with Ken and a small group of others.

Katie Stephenson and a group of others just left for Chicago, where they will have a 2 hour delay before heading on to London, and after another layover, eventually Madrid. When I heard that my group of friends were all on a separate flight, I freaked. Like full on panic attack. My heart raced, my blood pressure rose and I got full on tunnel vision as I raced to the flight counter to beg for a seat on that plane. Of course, it was all-full and the lady was fed up with us NCSU students, so I was left behind. Ken quickly explained that I could just ride on the flight he is on—to LaGuardia. So after panicking at that counter, I called mom. And I cried. How could my perfect trip of tapas and Picassos be ruined because of a PA system?!! Its not fair. Its also not fair that I’m left behind while others of our group are on a plane TO Madrid right now and I’m still in the same place we started.
After talking to mom about how things could be much worse (her example was how I could be on that plane in the middle of the ocean—dead. Thanks mom. Much appreciated!) I was able to calm down enough and call Bryan and explain the circumstances.

Now I will be on a flight shortly to LaGuardia where I will spend the night in the terminal and eventually head sometime during the night to London where I will finish the night there, and then end up in Madrid Saturday morning at 9am.
I should have totally taken Kelly up on taking a pillow and blanket….Im regretting that now...

I am now letting out all the nerves and stress go in this post, so bear with me. The later posts will be much more happy and cheerful once I taste my first sangria.


Adios for now amigos,

Katie Kimble


  1. Hang in there babe, you'll be on your way soon. Then you can say you went to London AND Spain for your spring break. Take a couple pictures there so you'll have proof. When you get on schedule that will be a small part of your trip. Remember the sleet, standing in the rain, and the wild man on the tar mac trying to blow up JFK. Everything else put it in the back ground. Love you more.

  2. What wild man on tarmac! ? Yes, you went to NYC, London, & Spain. Way to go , girl. Maybe I shouldn't say "way to go" , but it's the way you went. :-D
