Friday, March 7, 2014

London Airport to Madrid, Finally

Well I am posting a second notice for anyone who is traveling from London. Beware, they search you in detail. Several of our group was “randomly chosen” to be searched, like their entire carryons were dug through and questioned. But luckily I wasn’t one of the chosen. I don’t think I could handle anymore after they told us our tickets weren’t saved and the flight to Madrid was full.


Im not kidding.

I paniced, and after going from this desk to that desk, we finally got to someone who could help us. They were able to get us our tickets, THANK GOD. So we walked in ready to get on a plane in two hours, and the first desk attendant told us that our names weren’t in her system. Yeah. Pretty scary. Its about 6am here, so enjoy your rest people. I know its like 1am there now that Im writing this, and my body is telling me its 1am.

Once we get on our flight at 6:30 we will take off to Madrid for a day of rushing and running to see what we can of what the rest of our group has seen yesterday. So two days of Madrid packed into one day! We can do this!!!

Wish us luck and pray nothing else goes wrong, beacause if it does I may just die here in the airport! I don’t think my body can handle anymore stress!!!!

Adios once again Amigos,

Katie Kimble

1 comment:

  1. Jim has flown into that airport on several occasions and he says it is a ZOO/MESS. He was not surprised at all about the problems you had at the LHR airport and it is worse than the other one in London. So now you have had all the experiences! Hopefully as I write this you are ON a PLANE headed to SPAIN. I have heard from Bryan in Chicago and it is snowing hard so hope he gets out. Have your running shoes on when you get off the plane. :) Can't wait for your next post.
