Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hide yo money, Hide yo Passport!!!!

Okay, so as of today, TWO people have nearly had their wallets stolen on the metro! So I was sitting with Katie Stephenson and we were catching up when she mentioned how she almost had her wallet stolen…!!! She was getting on the Metro in the smack dap center of the city, when people were shoving and pushing trying to get on the subway before it took off. And she felt strange, so she put her hand down on her purse, and noticed her zipper was half open! By the time she turned around, the metro doors had shut and she was left hoping that nothing was taken. After several seconds of panic, she was able to check and (thank goodness) everything was there. Close one.

Katie also told me about another chic on our trip who was on the metro earlier today and was standing with another State student while holding a pole while to Metro moved on. At the next stop, an older Spanish woman got on and stood between the two girls, instead of grabbing onto the empty pole. The girl was obviously being pushed around (because who isn’t on a Metro) and she suddenly got the urge to put her hand on her purse…and what did she feel? That old lady’s hand was IN HER PURSE.

Yeah. So just FYI my purse is kept under my coat and always with my hand on it, especially in the Metro’s system. Also, anytime that we are anywhere with a lot of people, hand on purse. Anyone planning on traveling to Spain needs to remember that Spain is #1 country for pickpocketers, so be aware of your surroundings and use common sense!

Okay, that’s it guys! I promise!
Adios amigos,

Katie Kimble

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