Saturday, March 8, 2014

Madrid: Day 1

What up guys!?!?! So WE FINALLY MADE IT TO MADRID!!!!!! When I saw the coastline of Spain, my smile wrapped from ear to ear! Before that, however, the plane ride was decent. Out of all the flights, this was my least favorite… I sat in the section with three seats smack dab in the middle of the plane, and the Spanish lady to my right snored THE WHOLE RIDE and the man to my left didn’t realize the arm rest is there to show where his space ended and mine began. The flight was a little snug for me, and between the three babies screaming the whole flight, I think I may have caught 20 minutes of sleep with my headphones in! On the flight, they served us a ham sandwich and some yummy apple juice. After having a quick wake up call at 3:30 am, and a plane ready at 6, and all the crazy security measures, it was nice to sit down and rest KNOWING we were on our way!

As I said, when we landed, I could have kissed the first Spanish man I saw, like really. We were all that happy!!! The Madrid airport is gorgeous(and I am not just saying that because it took us 3 flights to get there)! With the super cool looking lime green beams and the attention to detail, we could tell we were in the land with some of the most renown architecture around!

Ken Johnson, one of our two leaders, and I after the 2 hour flight to Madrid! 

Eventually we got our luggage from baggage claim, and we also collected all the luggage of other NCSU students who were forced to leave behind their bags in the effort of getting on flights to here, there and yonder to eventually end in Spain! With the nine of us, and about 13 suitcases, we were able to head to our hotel! Our bus driver took us straight to the “Hotel T3 Tirol” where we will be staying for the next two nights!

 A collage of several Picasso works was the first thing that met us after customs! How Cool!?!?

When we arrived, they fed us a quick breakfast of traditional Spainish food—different crossants and pastries, different types of sliced deli meat, fruit and freshly squeezed orange juice! Ken and I also grabbed a piece of the best chocolate pudding something pie, which was TO DIE FOR! (yeah, pie for breakfast, I deserved it.)

After being shown to our rooms, we quickly grabbed our metro passes and were out before you could say jump! We hit the ground running, literally, to make the first available metro to the center of town, which conveniently was only two stops away. Then we got out and began exploring Plaza del Sol, where we were reminded of NYC and all the street performers! Several people were dressed in Mickey and Minnie suits, Bark Simpson was also present and we even noticed Bugs Bunny made his presence known. There were other street venders who were dressed in more rare costumes, like a piñata beast thing (that was really scary) and the giant butterfly man. There was also a fountain that was surrounded by people of all ages hanging out enjoying their Saturday picnic. It was great!

Along with the magnificent architecture, we got to see the beautiful Plaza Mayor, the most famous of all the meeting places of Madrid! It was gorgeous and really, truly, breathtaking! Between the statues and the fountains, we were not able to find anything to complain about!

We continued our sight seeing throughout the morning and were able to see nearly everything there is to see in Madrid, Spain! From gardens to patios to aritecture to people, we were really moving fast and absorbing everything we could, and I was snapping photos like there was no tomorrow! We even got to see a couple going into one of the churches in their tux and wedding gown…yeah I know, HOW COOL!?!?

Around 1pm we bought tickets to The Prado, Spain’s national art museum. Best part of the day. It was awesome. The only let down? No photos, period. So none of those for ya, but do know I got to stand in front of Las Meninas, Dieo Velazquez’s most famous painting ever for a solid 5 minutes. So google the image now. Yeah. Pretty cool huh? What if I told you its about 10 feet high and 8 feet wide? Yeah. Pretty amazing considering it looks like a photograph and not a painting! Oh, and the dog in the lower right hand corner was the best part! It looked like it was ready to jump off the canvas right there in the middle of the museum!

After the Prado, we went for some lunch! We ended up at a restraint Ken had heard about called Estado Puro, that was right around the corner to the Prado.  While there we all ordered different foods and I was brave enough to try EVERYTHING except for Ken’s fried anchovies, I passed on those. After an awesome lunch, Ken bought us desert, of which he ate almost three chocolate pudding things himself! During our meal, we had the best time getting to know our small group of 9 who have been together since all the flight cancelations! We laughed harder than anything I can imagine, in a long time! Between Ken’s stories of traveling, Ali’s high school infatuation and our keen sense of excitement for FINALLY making it, we were more than ready to have some fun!

 Meat Bombs Warm Tapas
 "Ali-oli" Potatoes
 Bravo for our Bravas! (Spicy Potatoes with Mayo)
 Asparagus in tempura with romescu sauce (My favorite out of all the dishes!)


Eventually we met up with Chester and the other 26 students at Reina Sofia, Spain’s national art museum dedicated to the 20th century art and til now. Here, we could take pictures, and you know I did!



Now. Picasso’s all time famous painting is hung in Reina Sofia. And cameras are not allowed. So, I did what any art teachers daughter would do and I risked it all. And below are the few snapshots I got of the magnificent piece of art that represents what Picasso saw in the Spainsh Civil War as a response to the bombing of Guernica, a Basque Country village in northern Spain, by German and Italian warplanes. Just standing in that room was so much more than you could imagine. Its complexity and size just left me with nothing to say, but the desire to secretly walk around and snap photos with out looking (and guess what? I got away with it!!!) So, this is obviously not the complete work, but hopefully it will help show the size and power! If you wanna see the full one, GOOGLE PEOPLE! But really, it was beyond amazing. Like I don’t even know what to say!

Okay, so today was the best because, (1) we arrived in Spain, (2) we visited art museums all day long, and (3) I got to meet and deeply engaged in convo with 9 people I would not have gotten to meet had it not been for the flight mess up! I would say today was awesome!!!!!!!!!

Adios for now my peeps!
Katie Kimble

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