Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Montserrat Monastery and Hiking Day!

Well hello again guys! So here’s the thing: today was the QUICKEST day so far. This morning, my feet were pounding so bad when I got up, that I decided to get ready ON the counter. No standing unless necessary.

We were supposed to meet in the lobby, with full tummies from breakfast at 8:30—but some of our group decided they weren’t going to get in the shower until 8:45. Lets just say we finally had a come to Jesus meeting in the hotel lobby about some of our younger world travelers, who believe getting wasted every night is cool and that sleeping in because their hangover is just so much, is okay. Well Ken made it very clear that it isn’t. And that everyone shouldn’t be held up for an extra hour because of a select few. Although this talk could have been useful back in Madrid, thank goodness it was finally said! During this extra hour, I went down the street to get some more cash out of the ATM. After yesterday's adventure with Chelsea's card, I was praying the whole time that this didn't happen to me as well!!! Thank goodness it didn't!! 

We headed off to the Metro, where we eventually ended up on a train headed to Montserrat. The train was packed full of people, and it was so long of a ride that I ended up sitting on the stairs, blocking the path and making everyone behind me get off using the back door. Who cares. Remember, my little piggies are dying. 

When we finally arrived, after an hour train ride, we were able to take a small cable car up to the monastery, where we were able to gaze at the beautiful scenery. The Montserrat Monastery also had a small art exhibit that had unknown artists displayed in one of their buildings. 

 here are some of the pictures I took after getting off the train at the bottom of the mountain.
Its hard to tell, but between those two moutons lies the monastery! 

 the little cable cars that took us up to the monastery! 

 Ken and Chester making sure everyone understands the game plan! 

 This is probably one of my favorite pictures. You can see the reflection of the monastery in Lynde's glasses! I know, Im awesome! 
Katie Stephenson and I

After the quick art tour, it was time for lunch. Around noon, we all headed to the cafeteria where they were serving food a la carte. I planned on getting the pizza and pasta, but the lady wouldn’t let me… I have yet to figure it out, so instead I ended up with the pizza she slapped on my plate and French fries. Not very Spanish to me, but whatever. Katie Stephenson got the pasta, which was sooooo good! We ended up sharing our meals so we could try more.

After lunch it was time for our hike. We walked up a large cement walkway to a small train-like thing (better known as a funicular) to an even higher spot! Here is where we began our hike, and here is where I took more pictures than you understand. Standing on top of this mountain, with the large structures of granite still towering overhead, we were all excited and ready to trek through the Spanish woods to get a better view. And Boy did we! Lynde, Ali, Chelsea, Brooks and I were bringing up the rear where we were constantly stopping to take pictures. By the time we caught up with Chester, we were about a ten minute walk behind the rest, and Chester said we would have to run to catch up. Yeah, by this point it’s about a straight up path, so running was tough. But we made it! Once to the top, Lynde and I decided we wanted an even better view, so we decided to climb over the railing and SIT on the very edge of one of the cliffs you see below! Yeah! Like the really cute advertisements, yeah, we did that. With our feet dangling a near 1,200 meters above the city! YEAH. I know. I live on the edge (haha, you are welcome for the pun)

 our ride to the hike! 

 yeah, those are people rock climbing. Yeah, Im not that awesome. Maybe one day! 
 attempt #1
 attempt #2. yeah it was a little windy! 

 finally! After two and a half hours of hiking, we finally made it to the top! 

 and here I am on the edge of the cliff!

After enjoying our twenty minutes of peace, we decided to head back down the mountain. We eventually took the funicular back to the monastery where it was time to leave. We got back on the train that took us back to Barcelona, where I fell asleep. Not like I dozed off, but a full on sleep. When we arrived back at the Metro, one of the girls had to wake me from my hibernation to get me up and moving!

By now, we have all gotten off the metro and realized that our metro tickets aren’t’ working. None of them. Apparently, since we left the city, we now had to purchase a NEW card that cost each of us 10,50 euros. Not happy. By now I’m half awake and forking out MORE money for something that was supposed to be covered. (Later we learned that Ken was going to get us money back, but still. We wasted an hour trying to get new passes.) Clearly here, you can see Katie Stephenson’s face and the joy we received from this experience.

Now we are on our free time. On the metro back to our hotel, I overheard Ken tell Chester that we may have to pick between visiting the streets of La Rambla and visiting Gaudi’s parka Guell. Lets just say, that after missing an entire day of Madrid, I was NOT about to miss anything in Barcelona! So after talking to Ken, I arranged for him to take a few of us who wanted, out to tour some of the back roads of Barcelona at night. We were able to see what the nightlife was like, with a grown adult man, so we were safe and able to venture around without worry! It was great! Chester even tagged along for the fun!

I finally got my picture with both Ken and Chester! 

Now we were starving, so we went to a small hole in the wall place where I got some type of steak-like meat and a salad and some potatoes! Ken ordered something that tasted a lot like pigskin chip things. It was all really good! The best part though was sitting in a restaurant with other Barcelonians and cheering on the Barcelona futbol game! The game was against Mancester City, and Barcelona won 2-1. It was an awesome experience, because anytime anything happened the restaurant exploded in cheers or anger! It was so awesome to see such an avid passion for their city's team! (Of course it reminded me of the wolf pack!!!!!) 

By now it is quarter after midnight and you have no idea how excited I am to be going to bed before 2am. This will be the first time since starting the trip!!!!!

Wish me sleep dreams,
Adios Amigos!

Katie Kimble

1 comment:

  1. Love your night pictures and felt your pain walking up those steps. Chester and Ben may never speak to you again after this trip. Can hear them saying "Oh no, not her again", ha. Glad you are having so much fun. Stay safe. Love you Gram
