Saturday, March 22, 2014

Back to the Land of Bojangles and Sweet Tea!

Hey Guys! So heres my final blog posting for my Spain trip, so get ready! 

I know its been awhile, but after getting back to my homeland of bojangles and sweet tea, all I wanted to do was SLEEP. and SLEEP. and then SLEEP some more! 

Throughout my entire trip, I never got a full nights rest, between trying to experience all of Spain and keeping up with all you guys here, it was taking a lot out of me! (That is not a complaint, I absolutely loved it all, and any future trips will be accompanied with another blog!)

After getting back and going through my hibernation, I experienced the jet lag. yeah. Especially with late night meetings for clubs and organizations that were trying to get everyone back on schedule with school and all! And of course, I had to get back into the swing of not carrying a camera everywhere and actually reading books for class and not for fun! 

Thanks to everyone who was an encouragement throughout the trip, and thank you to everyone who read my blog-you have no idea how awesome it was to log on every night and see that my blog had over 1,500 views, yeah, thats right, 1500! Y'all are awesome. Pat on the back for patting me on the back! 

Love you all and can't wait for the next adventure! 
Adios for now,
Katie Kimble

(maybe Kelly Ann actually read this one since its (1) short and (2) no pictures for her to scan through… :) 

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